Posts in Marketing Insights
The Brandchelor: Will you accept this brand?

We see brand love around us every day in the clothing we wear, the technology we use, and the food we eat. In a world full of beautiful brands with incredible qualities, how does a consumer commit to one and find brand love? Do consumers commit by “following their heart?” Do they take some brands out for dates? As a brand, how can we earn consumer love, engagement, and loyalty? Here are a few tips and tricks to increase brand engagement and loyalty.

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Does Amazon Dilute the Power of Brand?

Think about the things you’ve gotten from Amazon. If you’re like me, it’s a strange mix. Now, try to remember the brands of the things you purchased. Again, if you’re like me, Amazon wanderings rarely involve brand consideration. Electronic accessories, stationary, storage containers, anything made primarily of plastic, blankets, socks, etc.; I typically have no idea what brands I’ve purchased and now own. All I know is that the reviews were good and the price was right.

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Build trust in your brand in 3 easy steps

If you draw a box that says that the focus of your brand is premium meats from American-grown beef, you’re not going to start selling toilet paper, trips to space or grade B meats. Even if you did, customers wouldn’t accept it. Think about it, if you’re going to space, are you going to catch a ride on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, or the Oscar Meyer sausage rocket? Obviously you’re going to catch a ride to space with SpaceX (though option two does sound fun and exciting). Likewise you’d choose Oscar Meyer sausage over a SpaceX sausage.

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10 Books Every Marketer Should Read

Given that fact, it should come as no surprise that we spend a lot of time reading and sharing new insights with each other. We felt it would be appropriate to share the list of some of the best books that have captured our thoughts with you, dear reader, with a small warning. If you add these to your 2020 reading list, you better have enough shelf space so that you can revisit them regularly in the years to follow.

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