Posts in Marketing Research
5 Reasons People Don’t Finish Your Marketing Survey

You’ve sent out a marketing survey, and people are starting it, but not finishing it. Or, you can tell that people are straight-lining answers, or just clicking through the survey without answering (if someone took 30 seconds to finish your five-minute survey, sorry, the data is worthless).

What could be wrong with the survey? Here are some things to look for.

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Poll Pain: Don’t let polling get you down

We could use polls for so much more. As a forecasting tool polls aren’t that great – they set some expectations, and then we still have to wait for the votes to be counted and find out if expectations were met or dashed. But polls are one area where we can actually seek to understand the reasons people vote the way they do. Polling should be a source of insight and empathy. Rarely are polls used that way, and it’s a missed opportunity.

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How to Avoid Groupthink in Focus Groups

What is groupthink? It’s when a single opinion is expressed, and the group rallies behind it without developing opinions of their own, meaning they don’t express those opinions. Sometimes groupthink is a result of the loudest or most persuasive person making others feel like their own opinion isn’t worth sharing. When a person feels like they might be the only person in a crowd who has their particular thought, they aren’t likely to share it. In fact, they’ll change the opinion they express to conform to the group’s. Individuality disappears, and with it the valuable insights of the individual.

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