Competitive Analysis


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market segmentation

Different people may be driven to buy your product or invest in your service (or that of a competitor’s) for different reasons. Through research tools like cluster analysis we can find out the best way to group potential customers and identify potential gaps in the market that your product or service can fill.

direct/indirect competition

Sometimes companies don’t realize that that there are more than just direct competitors. Finding indirect competitors can help you to expand your own product categories.

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text analysis

Understand what your competitors are communicating to your potential consumers, and what potential consumers are saying about you and your competitors.

website optimization / seo

Outmaneuver your competition by optimizing your website and improving the search ability of your content. Find out where your competition ranks highly and is currently outperforming you online and then implement any needed adjustments. Also find out what your consumers are talking about and provide them useful content to join the conversation.


Let us help you get ahead of the competition.