Brand L.O.V.E.

Think of a brand you just LOVE. Why do you love that brand? What does that brand do for you? Why do you feel a connection with it? We all have a brand we are passionate about and connect with it on different level than other brands.

Football is life! Or is it ‘soccer’?

Football is life! Or is it ‘soccer’?

Maybe it is a clothing brand. Maybe it is a technology brand.  Maybe it is BYU Football even though they break our hearts every year. But even with that heartbreak, we still choose to root for our Cougs every year. Why? Because of the connection we feel with the team. We feel like we are part of something bigger. For consumers, having a relationship and a connection with a brand helps them to keep coming back. For brands to have a love group, they always need to think about L.O.V.E.


Consumers are loyal to brands that they feel a connection with. How do you connect with your customers on a deeper level than just at the point of purchase? Consumers are also loyal to a brand that they can trust. Giving your consumers reasons to trust you will be one of the biggest things that you do.


Know your customer. Know what they like and dislike. Know why they purchase. If you do not understand your customer, then you will have no idea on what is important to them. For example, Café Rio understands their customers. They observe consumers through the app and Café Rio knows what their consumers want to buy and when they want to buy it.


Just like any relationship, you need to provide value for the other party. Nike gives value to the athlete with all of their athletic lines, but they are also able to give value to other customers with their lifestyle clothing. What can you contribute to the lifestyle of your consumer?


What business are you really in? Do your consumers just want to interact with your product on a surface-level? Probably not. You need to be actively engaged in your consumer’s life. Being a passive brand will not gain consumer love.

Each company provides different products and services, but the principles are the same. Give your consumers a reason to just love your brand and engage with it even more!

Here at the Marketing Lab, we want to help you gain the love of your consumers. Learn about how we can help with marketing and brand strategy.

Emily Cottrell